Professor Lauren J. Marchefka
Professor, Regenerative Medicine
+ 1-832-631-9345
– Master of Science in Nursing, Honors, Duke University, Durham, NC
– Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Honors, Duke University, Durham, NC
– Psychology: Psychopathology Bachelor of Arts, 05/2009, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
– Certificate in Psychedelic Therapy and Research (In Progress), California Institute of Integral Studies
Professional Experience:
Lead Nurse Practitioner Nue.Life 2021-current
Nurse Practitioner Cottage Urgent Care- Oxnard, CA 2020-2021
Nurse Practitioner Regenerative Medicine & Biologics Institute 2019-2020
Nurse Practitioner Pacific Psychiatric Intervention & Wellness Centers 2018- 2019
Nurse Practitioner, Medical Monitor Brain Treatment Center 2018- 2019
Nurse Practitioner Miguel Gonzalez, MD- Thousand Oaks, CA 2015 – 2018
Nurse Practitioner CVS Diagnostics Minute Clinic 2014 – 2017
- OGACHI International Travel Scholar: Scholarship recipient for travel to Nicaragua with Duke SON, 2011
- University of Michigan College of Literature, Science, & Arts: Hughes Scholarship Recipient for demonstrating leadership and exceptional academic achievement, 2009
- Ostafin Scholarship: Scholarship Recipient for being a positive influence in the Michigan community, 2008
- Irma Schultz Scholarship: Scholarship Recipient for being a positive influence in the Alice Lloyd community, 2007
- Evans, L. & Blood-Siegfried, J. (2014) The Impact of Nurses on Neglected Tropical Disease Management. Public Health Nursing. doi: 10.1111/phn.12149
- Evans, L. & Long, J. (2011). Nicaragua: health disparities. OGACHI Cultural Immersion Experience. Poster presentation. Durham, NC.